How To Get 1K Viewers A Day To Your Website For Free

Social Proof means believing in what you see and hear around you and following suit. For example, if someone is raving about a certain product you will be tempted to look at it with a view to purchasing it as well. As a business owner you want to take this concept and apply it to your products.

A customers' mindset to looking at social proof is by them seeing a popular iphone ad and thinking "If they can afford to have an iPhone then why not me"?


One simple way to employ this concept for your business is by using social sharing buttons on your blog. If you display the number of shares your post has been liked or tweeted about, you will find that others will share your post too. Again, they are just following the lead of the person that went before them.

Another concept of social proof is one that is used by new, trendy restaurants all the time. They get you to line up outside the door, so a crowd forms. This makes them look as though they are a busy and popular restaurant. The end result is that they gain more customers, because those that see the lineups figure they need to check out the place too.

TV shows do the same thing by running loud applause when they want to highlight funny aspects of their show. This gets the viewers attention and gains more popularity for the show.

There are actually 3 different categories of social proof that you should be concerned about as a business owner. These are:

Expert Social Proof - this is when you get a review or guest post from an authoritative person in your field.

Celebrity Social Proof - is getting an unpaid endorsement from a celebrity.

User Social Proof - these are the reviews, likes and testimonials that come from customers who have tried and liked your product or service, such as on

Remember, a happy customer is eager to leave their opinion of your product and they are happy to spread the word to all of their acquaintances.

Don't discount posting reviews on your blog or website either. These can have a huge impact on your sales figures. People are in the habit today of searching for reviews before making a purchase. So why not have your website show up with a great review on it for them to see?
Template Monster

Earning money online is easy if you can find a method that works for you. No matter what skill set you are, from beginner to expert, there are dozens of articles available to give you the information you need to get started earning money. Here I have added one more way that will add 'value' to your collection:

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