How To Make Money Online With BitCoins

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Do you ever dream of being able to earn money while playing games? Are you an A-type Personality? A risk taker?

One great way to invest and have fun is by playing online in BitCoin Casinos; earning through playing video games; or completing simple tasks which are paid in bitcoins.

First of all you're wondering, “What are Bitcoins”?

Simply put, Bitcoins are a form of digital currency, that is created and held electronically - no one controls it.

A software developer named Satoshi Nakamoto proposed Bitcoin. The idea was to produce a currency which was independent of any central authority, transferable electronically, and had very low transaction fees. This type of currency is differentiated from any other type of conventional currency in that they are backed by math rather than the word of a government or financial institution.

Cryptocurrencies are the digital media of exchange which use cryptography and shared transaction ledgers to create a secure, anonymous, traceable and potentially stable monetary system. Although Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency, there are virtually thousands of cryptocurrencies with various levels of popularity, value and originality.

The defining characteristics of Bitcoins are that they are impossible to counterfeit or inflate. You can use them to send or receive any amount of money at a very low cost. These payments are impossible to block and your bitcoin ‘wallets’ can not be frozen.

As of 2016, Bitcoin has reached roughly $20 billion in market value -

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Just as investing regular currency in the stock market, Bitcoins can be bought from a Bitcoin

. In a Bitcoin exchange one can buy, sell, or exchange.


Bitcoin trading involves buying at a low cost and selling high (when the price has gone up). For those interested in trading, you need to set up an account with any of a number of online exchange sites, deposit your funds into the account, and monitor the trading market for an opportunity to make profit through the buying and selling of the bitcoins.

There are also web tools from those whom are interested in investing in Bitcoins. Just like stock market exchange sites, these tools can show you the value that bitcoins are worth for the current time.

They may also show a graph that indicates the currency of the markets  for the past  and future years.

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 SELLING GOODS AND SERVICES IN EXCHANGE FOR BITCOIN - Some of the things you can sell are clothes, old gadgets, cars and even homes in exchange for bitcoins. There are many sites which offer platforms for business owners to buy and sell products, but two of the most popular are, which is considered the Ebay of Bitcoin platforms. It uses an auction system to sell items in exchange for bitcoins. It most importantly offers an escrow service so that buyers can be assured of having their goods delivered before their bitcoins are released.

PURSE.IO - which is the Amazon of Bitcoin platform. If you already have an account, you can sell items at a discount where you advertise your wishlist and sell through your purse.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS - there are Bitcoin platforms where you can sell your own services or create a continuous source of job employment in exchange for getting paid in bitcoin. Platforms such as or Coinality are a good place to start. Coinality is a free service for employers and job-seekers. Users can also upload their resumes for potential employers to find. Additionally, the site has an RSS feed of bitcoin-related jobs on larger job sites like Upwork, Careerjet and SimplyHired.

COMPLETE TASKS AND EARN BITCOINS - one fun site called BitCoinReward offers you the option to earn bitcoins the easy way. You can watch videos, play games, do surveys and complete simple offers, which earn you Bitcoins in payment. A great Bonus is that when you refer others to this site, you get a 50% commission from all the other offers that they complete.

BITCOIN ARBITRAGE - As different exchange platforms may have different prices, buy low on one exchange and sell high at another exchange. Keep the profits.


The fast rise in Bitcoin value and ease of use, have made it a great choice for playing with bitcoins in Online Casinos. Have fun and earn more bitcoin or exchange for regular currency.


Bitcoin has reached roughly $20 billion in market value — about 60% more than the total value of the digital currency during its previous peak in the 2014 “bitcoin bubble.” Of course, that rapid progress hasn’t been without serious volatility. The long-term gains in the last few years have been dramatic as the currency has soared from roughly $13 at the start of Bitcoin creation nearly a decade ago to 2017 with a general valuation of $1,300 at present.